CHI 2015 | Crossings | Seoul, Korea

April 18 - 23, 2015

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Authors | SIG Meetings : Call for Participation

Quick Facts

  • Important Dates:
    • Submission deadline: 5 January 2015 (5:00pm PST)
    • Notification deadline: 26 January 2015
    • Publication-ready deadline: 2 February 2015

  • Submission Details:
  • Selection process: Curated
  • Chairs: Simone Barbosa & Enrico Rukzio (
  • At the Conference: Accepted SIGs will have a scheduled session at the conference
  • Archives:  SIG Extended abstracts will be published in the Extended Abstracts; USB and ACM Digital Library

Message from the Special Interest Groups Chairs

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide an opportunity to attract a group of conference attendees who share a common interest and engage them in face-to-face discussions. Organizing a SIG is a great way to start or extend your involvement in the CHI conference program. Several SIGs have evolved into other successful contribution types at subsequent conferences. In addition to interesting and novel SIG topics, we also encourage creative approaches to conducting the SIG itself.

We welcome you to contact us before submitting a proposal to discuss your ideas for innovative and attractive SIGs!

Simone Barbosa, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Enrico Rukzio, University of Ulm, Germany

What is a Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) enable conference attendees sharing a common interest to meet informally for 80 minutes of facilitated discussion during a scheduled session at the conference. SIGs offer excellent opportunities for dialog and deliberation on a specific topic. The conference provides each SIG with meeting space and advertises SIG meetings to the rest of the conference in the Extended Abstracts and Conference Program.

Preparing and Submitting your Special Interest Groups Proposal

SIG submissions must be submitted via the  PCS Submission System by 5 January 2015, 5:00pm PST. The proposal must have the following two components (submitted as a single PDF file):

  1. Extended Abstract. A 4-page description of the SIG, suitable for publication in the Extended Abstracts Format 
  2. Supplementary Material.  
    • A brief description of the community (or communities) to which this SIG would be of interest and why it is of interest
    • assumed attendee background
    • the approach you will use for organizing and presenting the SIG
    • an informal schedule of discussion topics
    • your plan to attract a reasonable number of attendees
    • which organizer should serve as the primary contact.

While not strictly required, we prefer that proposals be authored by a minimum of two individuals representing at least two different organizations. We also encourage prospective SIG organizers to examine examples of accepted SIG abstracts from recent CHI conferences, available for download from the ACM Digital Library.

Special Interest Group Selection Process

Submissions will be reviewed independently by a Jury and the SIGs chairs, who will also make the final acceptance decisions. We will notify authors of acceptance decisions by 26 January 2015.

Submissions should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time.  Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information which will be published on the website prior to the conference. 

Upon Acceptance of your Special Interest Group Submission

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 26 January 2015.

Authors of accepted submissions will receive instructions on how to submit their publication-ready copy (which will consist of your extended abstract only). Publication-ready submissions are due on 2 February 2015. 

At the Conference

Accepted SIGs will have a scheduled, 80 minutes long session at the conference. After your SIG is accepted, we will notify you what technical support will be available. Rooms will be set up to facilitate discussion.

After the Conference

After the conference, the organizers are encouraged to continue their SIG by organizing a workshop at a future conference or creating and maintaining a website. Accepted SIG abstracts will be distributed in the CHI Conference Extended Abstracts, available on USB and in the ACM Digital Library.

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