April 18 - 23, 2015
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CHI Papers and CHI Notes are archival publications of original research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
CHI Papers and Notes are refereed publications of original research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). CHI Papers and Notes are read and cited worldwide. They have broad impact on the development of HCI theory, method and practice. Papers present significant contributions to research and practice in all aspects of Human Computer Interaction. Notes present brief and focused research contributions that are noteworthy. Papers versus Notes: What is the difference?
Authors must present accepted Papers and Notes at the CHI Conference. Accepted manuscripts appear in the ACM CHI Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, which is listed in the ACM Digital Library.
Papers and Notes undergo a rigorous review process, managed by the Papers & Notes chairs and several subcommittees, each comprising a coordinator and associate chairs. Authors will be provided with preliminary reviews and can respond with a rebuttal. Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. See CHI Papers and Notes Review Process
We strongly encourage authors of Papers and Notes submissions to also participate in Interactivity. This is most applicable to Papers or Notes that describe novel interactive technologies or interactive experiences. Interactivity for Papers and Notes allows authors to present a hands-on demonstration of their research in a high-visibility, high-impact forum. Authors of Papers and Notes who wish to participate in Interactivity are required to prepare a separate non-anonymised submission for the Interactivity track. There will be no formal association between submissions and their associated Paper or Note, and these submissions will go through the same reviewing process as standalone submissions. The content of the submission can be adapted from the existing Paper or Note submission. In the event that your Paper or Note is not accepted, you will have the opportunity to also withdraw your Interactivity submission, but you must do so by 22 December 2014. Please refer to the Interactivity for Papers and Notes section in the Interactivity call for participation for more details.
Authors will be notified of conditional acceptance or rejection on or before December 15, 2014. Contact authors of conditionally accepted Papers and Notes will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the final version of the paper. A member of the program subcommittee will check that the resubmission meets the committee requirements for publication and, if so, will finalize the acceptance. Authors are encouraged to submit their revision earlier than the deadline in case it is judged that the paper does not meet the committee requirements. If the authors are unable to meet these requirements by the provided deadline then the Papers Chairs will notified and may be required to drop the paper from the program. Authors of accepted papers will be required to submit a thirty word statement of contribution and benefit. They will also be asked to submit a thirty second video preview summarising the paper. Please note that submissions will not be published without a signed form assigning copyright or license to the ACM, or by paying an upfront fee to ACM for Open Access. Obtaining permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people or proprietary content rests with the author, not the ACM or the CHI conference.
Authors are required to present their work in a scheduled session with other CHI Papers and CHI Notes. Paper authors will be allowed 20 minutes total (about a 15 minute talk with 5 minutes of questions) to present their work. Notes authors will be allowed 10 minutes (about an 8-minute talk with 2 minutes of questions) to present their work. Papers whose authors are not at the conference to present their paper may be removed from the DL.
Presenting at CHI describes the computing and audiovisual (A/V) equipment provided by the conference, and gives tips on preparing and giving a good CHI talk.
Accepted Papers and Notes will be distributed in the CHI Conference Proceedings available on DVD and in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide. Video figures of accepted Papers and Notes will be archived on the Conference DVD and the ACM Digital Library.
Accepted Papers and Notes may come from any arena of HCI activity: academia or business; science, engineering, or craft; analysis or design. Acceptance is highly competitive: all accepted Papers and Notes will score highly on innovation, contribution and quality of thought and writing. Submit your best work!